Earlier this week i notice one of the succulent arrangement my colleague purchased from me was not doing so great. One of her succulents gave up on life while the others had new growth and were happy to be in the office. I knew i had to help, not because I felt responsible (though I have been secretly watering her arrangement - shhhhh) but because I wanted to see her continue to smile at her desk. I took some clippings from the planters on my deck; a reddish color Jade plant and two type of aeoniums. I planted them as soon as I arrived at the office the next day. She was thrilled with the Jade plant, as she loved the rich red color and how it popped against the white pebbles. Another satisfied customer :-) Ironically, on my way back from a jog this morning, I saw there were cuttings of medium to large size aeoniums on a driveway. It looked as though someone had just trimmed their front yard. There have been times where I have been tempted to take home broken sections of succulents that I'd stumble upon on the sidewalk. However, i always felt funny about it soI would place them back in the pot or yard it had came from. Though today I felt a strong urge. I looked around and saw the gardener and asked it was okay to take the cuttings. He replied "Yes". OMG! FREE Succulents! This totally made my day! I wish I had more than two hands so I could carry as many as I could. I grabbed a bundle that was too big for my planters but recalled my neighbors had a big pot that I could plant it in. They were the SUCCULENTs that kept on giving :-) My neighbors were happy, I was happy, even my colleague was happy from earlier this week.
Later in the day, I found more broken succulents on the sidewalk by the beach. I placed them back to where they belong and knew that if I took them without permission my gift giving Karma would disappear. All in all a fabulous way to end the week.